Sow The Seeds And Give Thanks
Part I Norma Gacy I guess this all started with the flu…or at least that’s what I thought it was. I’m not so sure anymore. I’m hesitant to share this experience with anyone, least of all you because you’re going to think I’m nuts but who better to tell this about than strangers? It doesn’t matter if you judge me. We’ll never meet so your opinion about me doesn’t really matter. I woke up a little over a week ago with a fever. Every part of me hurt and the sun was radiant and blinding through my bedroom curtains. It set the motes of dust that fell between the window and the space where I lay, fresh from waking, on fire blinding white. You’ll think it’s hyperbole, but it’s a fact–in that moment, never before in my life have I wished harder to be unable to see…more strongly even than Read More …