The Lost Ones

Part I A little over a week ago is when Kariann Rose Nathan went missing. In the photo they used on the flyers and the social media posts that the whole town is sharing, she’s holding a stuffed giraffe and smiling wide. They’re sharing that same picture on the news as well. It’s her most recent photo. The setting is the fair and the fair is still in town for another week.

Choice Is An Illusion

I used to think reality was made up of choices. A hundred little choices made every day in a row, strung up like a necklace of pearls. You probably think reality is something like this too, each thing that you do could go a hundred different ways, and the only way it goes is the way that you choose for it to go…but that’s not how it works at all. That’s not how anything works. Reality is manipulative, just like people are and it’s manipulating all of us. It’s even manipulating you. You might not think so. Choices are only binary. Yes or no. True or false. There’s no great big gray areas like they tell you.