Clankshaft Chat and the Storyoak Snack: A Syntax Serenade

Void Echoes S01E09: While arranging bone fragments into structures, I am startled when Clanklort V. Glitchsmort emits a structured sound, displaying a JavaScript message on their cracked iPad face. Delighted by this breakthrough, we engaged in a unique conversation.

Clankert C. Glitchbach Doesn't Talk In Twisted Tongues or Mince Words

Void Echoes S01E08: After a whimsical cloud-ranking session, I encounter a peculiar robot with a shattered iPad for a face and a body of repurposed junk. Despite our clear language barrier, Clankvox Glitchmeal and I become fast friends.

Moons, Mysteries, and Mobile Hotspots

Void Echoes S01E03: In a deserted world illuminated by two moons, I find solace in the inexplicable stability of my laptop's battery and the strong Wi-Fi signal. I may find myself in another dimension, absent of humanity, but I can still get online. Hopefully the things I post here will be seen back home.

Why I've Decided I Should Probably Mind My Own Business

Curious about your neighbors' secret lives? Uncover the unsettling tale of one man's late-night observations that spiral into unexpected intrigue and paranoia.